Sure, let’s add in a word goal

Photo by Nick Morrison on (boy do I wish this was my desk right now though)

April is CampNaNoWriMo season, and I’ve decided to take on a modest word goal of 10,000 words for this round of revisions in my WIP. I’ll be tackling revisions for the first 5 chapters for the umpteenth time and I’m using CampNaNo for accountability. The beginning is always the hardest, it seems.

What is CampNaNoWriMo?

CampNaNo is a branch off event of National Novel Writing Month which takes place in November. Camp NaNo is different because you can set your own word goal, vs NaNo, which is set to a 50k goal. CampNaNo takes place in April and July.

Why I’m doing this on top of everything else

I love writing fiction, and I don’t want to stray too far from my writing roots during this time of career growth and professional challenges.

Being in the thick of story and structure, scene blocking and dialogue, emotion, and experimentation—that’s where I feel the most at home.

The world is crazy, the streets are empty, my days are long and the month will be longer. So, yeah, why not? Let’s add a word goal to the mix.

The plan right now

I’ll be writing 500-1,000 words in the story per day, split up between the morning before work and in the evening after work. I’m optimistic and having a blast writing my characters again.

Thanks for reading, and watch out for writing updates if you’re interested!

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