September in a Nutshell

Ah, fall—My favorite time of year. No matter where I am or how old I am, there’s always a sense of excitement for autumn. Even though I no longer join the herds of people getting ready for school, sports, and all of that buzz, the change in the air renews me with motivation and joy at being alive.

This month, I finished a novelette first draft, took an impromptu trip to Yakima, and got moderately lost with a friend while hiking.


September birthed a completed first draft of a novelette (which means a story between 7,500 and 19,000 words– this one is around 12,000 atm) that is currently in the beta reader stage, with a tentative plan for publication by mid-December.

The story takes place over four Christmas’s, following a woman visiting home for the holidays. It’s a very personal story in many ways, and only those who really know my family and I will fully understand certain aspects. Even still, in the way of fiction, there’s a lot there that comes purely from the ever-devious mind a writer must have to spin good tales, and can be freely enjoyed without such context.

This novelette is about what it means to come home when home doesn’t exist anymore, reconnecting with lost friends, and the cost of keeping secrets. It’s about home and the many ways one is made, lost, and found.

Fingers crossed for December!


My mother and I got to embark on a last-minute road trip to visit some dear friends in that area. We set off before the sun rose and felt all the thrills of escape.

I got to explore the Woodland Park Zoo with said friends, and we made a great time of it. I felt a strong emotional connection with the wallaroo (shown below).


Now, I’ve never claimed to be a top-notch navigator. Heck, I’ve never claimed to be an average navigator, either. But I’ll tell you this: every time I’ve gotten lost, I’ve found my way out. This time was no different, and I’m proud of myself (and my friend) for successfully emerging from the Q’emlin trails undaunted.

Even with the, ahem, detours, it was a gorgeous hike with crystal clear skies, a light breeze, and that wonderful smell of oncoming autumn that makes me giddy. I only took one picture because I was focusing on not leading us into a ditch, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

That’s my September in a nutshell, sans emotional turmoil and the regular stresses of life.

Thank you for reading, and Happy Autumn!

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