CampNaNo, April 2020: Victory!

Ah-ha! That sweet feeling of having put action to thoughts and brought characters to new life.

I’m so excited about this story. My habit remained daily throughout April, as you can see through the awesome chart NaNoWriMo provides:

I was able to complete almost 3 chapters of the first act of my WIP, and that, my friends, feels so good. I’ve re-written this portion of the story more times then I care to admit, and to have it at this point brings me a great feeling of accomplishment. Not enough to subdue my inner critic, naturally, but it’s there nonetheless, and I’m more ready than ever to tackle the next portion of the story again.

A few fun stats collected through the month:

Next stop: Finishing Act 1 by the end of June, and gathering trusted Beta Readers for the summer.

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