Excel is a spreadsheet program that focuses on the main features for keeping track of and analyzing data and/or detailed systems: Tables, sums, rows, formulas, and charts.
So far, I have completed 3 out of 5 tutorials that are offered:
- The Welcome Packet
- Dropdowns
- Formulas
The Welcome Packet
This tutorial covers everything from adding rows to pivot tables and touches briefly on the most helpful features available. An all you can eat buffet of Excel information!

Dropdown Tutorial
This tutorial does exactly what it says: it shows you how to create dropdowns. This is a great benefit and is useful for tracking multiple options and variables.

I learned how to add warning signs, specifications, and effectively use the dropdown feature.
This tutorial goes in-depth on how to use the formula language in Excel and succeed at finding sums, finding averages, and creating working lines of text and symbols.

As always, I’m excited to learn more about this program and will be exploring all the ways it is of use.