What do people look for online?
If you boil it down, it’s one answer: Connection.
People look for connections in every part of life, even if they don’t realize it.
The human desire for connection is one that travels into how we respond to ads, causes, fundraisers. How we spend our time and where we spend our finances.
How does this affect the online world?
The internet is all about the
There’s a reason Instagram pictures with people in them gain higher response rates than other types of content. People look for faces and realtion.
For the most part, we look for ourselves in places we’ve never been to before. That’s the beauty of the internet. We can find others doing things that we aspire to do, actions we admire, and experiences we strive to have. We can discover new connections and build relationships.
A connection between our world and everyone else’s that can create bonds across multiple time-zones.
By responding to that search for connection with the content we create, we open the door for engagement and authenticity. Be that from a professional standpoint or otherwise.
Many believe the internet is a horrible place, and it will be if that’s what they’re searching for. But that’s a whole separate conversation.
Today we’re discussing the wonders of human interaction through media.
What does this mean for brands and businesses?
If brands are real, present, and connecting with their audience/customers/patrons, they set up an environment that people can trust.
By providing the connection that people seek, while being committed to transparency, they instill confidence in their brand and name.
Each person online is looking for something real to sink their teeth into. Something to root for, to rally behind and support.
Give them that connection. Give them a story.
Genuine connection is not the golden ticket for success, and it’s not always easy. It is recognizing the natural expectation and hope of people who are searching for more.
The way you present your brand, personal or professional, should be maintained through the lens of value and connection.
Here are some questions I ask myself while creating content or pursuing an idea:
- Is this valuable?
- Does this answer a question?
- Am I being authentic?
- Am I telling a story?
- Does this provide a connection?
- Is there a call to action?
If I can answer yes to two or more of those questions, I explore it further.
Can companies genuinely provide this type of connection?
I know for a fact that it is not only possible but essential for companies to bank into this natural human need.
Companies and individuals alike share one basic goal: Solution through connection.
I see it in the amazing array of startups and companies I’ve been exposed to over the last few months while hunting for my apprenticeship.
The ones that flourish are the ones who are present, warm, ready to serve and connect with those who seek out their services.
A few prime examples are:
Praxis: I have seen it enacted up close and personal while being a participant with Praxis, where the atmosphere of support and community they have built directly contributes to the success and growth of their business and brand. They consistently improve and build a connection with intentional care and authenticity.
GoodUnited: Where they create authentic and personalized interaction for non-profit fundraisers. By providing a chain of connection, they bring the stories of the causes they aid to life through relational services.
NexGenT: Where they make it clear that their prime motivation is providing an IT career for those who are stuck or just starting. They are constantly improving their services to better cater to their customers.
It takes heart and soul to make these operations possible. Every bit of extra challenge that comes with providing genuine connection and solution is worth the effort.
Anything worth doing has an edge of risk.
I’d say it’s worth that extra mile.