Sales: What you need to show

We know that sales are the muscle of your company, but how do we earn that muscle?

These are 5 traits and skills that will propel you forward in the world of sales, and build up your strength of character.


Everywhere you turn, you’re going to need fortitude. That resilient drive to thrive and excel is critical in all roles, and sales especially. 

You need the ability to step up and say, “You know what? I took a hit today. I missed the shot, and that’s okay. I’ll try again.” 

Fortitude comes in the shape of clever persistence and can be an invaluable tool in your belt.  


Knowing how to shape each sale to suit each unique customer is something that will only improve your success rate. Each pitch and interaction should make sense to the buyer, and seem applicable to there lives.   


Oh yes, communication is making another appearance here. Understanding goes both ways. If you can accurately explain something and make it easily understandable, as well as receive information and comprehend it correctly, you will be well equipped in the world of sales and beyond.


Sales are something people think of as dishonest, but that’s not the case in the large scale of things. If a salesperson is dishonest, they lose future customers. Simple as that. Be straightforward and considerate in the pursuit of closing leads, and remember that the most important thing is not closing the deal, it’s closing the right deal. A good deal that will benefit all involved.  


As my cousin David put it in his interview, “You can’t memorize a script and expect the sale to follow it to a tee.” You need to constantly be re-envisioning how each interaction will play out, and how best to approach the situation.

I learned a lot this week about not only sales but how we are always selling something. Our personalities, our value, the ideas we present to the world. Sales flow through everything, whether it’s obvious or not. 

The more I dig into the business world the more I see how interconnected we are as people, how we work best together and how it takes guts to be a team player. We should all be supporting one another in any way we can.

Next, we’ll sift through the role of Operations and see what we find.

Thanks for reading!

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