Sales are the advocate, the shield, the mission interpreter. They defend and uphold a company’s product and/or service, and connects with customers on a different level then both marketing and customer success.
Not only do sales interact directly with leads, but they do it with intention and with a mind of what’s beneficial for both the company and the customer. They advocate for what they’re selling while understanding that it won’t be a perfect fit for every potential buyer.
Here are 4 factors that make sales essential to a company’s health.
1. They advocate for your products and services
Salesmen and women are the chief protectors and escorts of your mission. They upkeep the reasons and statements that are laid out by the marketers, the advertisements, the heads of the company. They back everything up with action and examples.
2. They provide long-lasting goodwill and revenue towards your brand
Successful salespeople will imprint a lasting sense of trust and commitment with any new customer. They will create an environment of goodwill and honesty. This, in turn, will bring people back to you and what you do, again and again.
3. They’re problem solvers
You can’t have too many problem solvers on your team. Sales offer solutions to aid people in their lives moving forward. This is an important step along the customers’ journey; without sales, you’re missing a rung in your ladder, a leg on your stool, and a crucial tool in your belt.
4. They evaluate the benefits for all involved
Not only do they curate trust, but they also weigh the pros and cons of every deal, for all parties. By being considerate of costs, lifestyles, and status, they maintain a strong network of loyal customers who know they will be treated with fairness and understanding.
Sales are the muscle of your company. Without them, you would lose your pull. That pull being what guides customers to the use of your product, and keeps them coming back.
Sales provide another layer of customer care and product promotion that can’t be ignored.
This role has been running from my understanding throughout the week. Each time I think, “Aha! Gotcha.” I realize I’ve been equating it as marketing again.
But maybe that’s not too far off. Reading the article Why Sales Are Everything by Ian Romprey helped me see more clearly that sales are, in fact, in everything. In that same vein, sales deliver such a vital network within a company’s life that I don’t see how the other departments can thrive without them, at least not for long.
It’s exciting to further define my definitions of the roles I’ve become more familiar with this month. It’s fascinating to see how they interconnect and support one another.
Next up, a breakdown of how to succeed in sales.
Thanks for reading!