Module 1, Week 4: Project Brainstorm

This first month has been extraordinarily refreshing in all of its content creation, critiquing, and schedule adjusting. I’ve had a blast revaluating my career and interacting with other driven, ambitious, and goal-centered people.

It’s hard to believe the first module of Praxis is coming to a close, and with that end comes the challenge to think up five initial ideas for the upcoming module. This next month will focus on a portfolio project, with weekly updates posted right here by yours truly.

Here are the skills and traits I hope to prove and affirm through my project:

• Communication

• Follow-through

• Trustworthiness

• Dedication

• Creativity

• Analytical thinking

• Efficiency

I’ve dug up five ideas for my project, and I’m excited to sift through them and figure out which one to tackle.

1. Read and review 5 or more books on marketing. Gather information, draw parallels and find common themes. What’s a typical piece of advice? Does it work?

2. Writers Journey ebook- instructional manual on first draft structures and overcoming the feelings of being overwhelmed.

3. Interview front runners for aspiring writers. Find out how they built their brands and what their end goals are, as well as some stumbling blocks they encountered along the way.

4. Do a study on common ads for related products and write up a series of essays dissecting their purpose and their success rate.

5. Model the same project in three different project management platforms and compare/contrast the benefits of each.

Check back here if you’re at all interested in the creation process. This next month is going to be intense!

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