The awesome people at Praxis have provided an exercise template that explores How I Work. Let’s break it down. This’ll be fun.
Location: Spokane, WA
Current gig: Cashier at Safeway and Praxis Participant
Current mobile device: Samsung Galaxy j3
Current computer: Hp Bang and Olufsen Envy model laptop
One word that best describes how you work: Diligently. Diligence has been a key part of my work habit. To be diligent is to be persistent, and to be persistent is to persevere.
What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?
The first ones that come to mind are Microsoft Word, WordPress, and OneNote. I use Word for everything from email drafts to novel drafts. WordPress has proven to be a great place to experiment on, and OneNote is great for outlining.
What’s your workspace like?
An organized disaster for most of the week. I’d call it a strategic mess, because I still know where everything is. However, I do organize my desk over the weekend to set myself up for a productive week. I share an “office space” with my brother in the downstairs of my family’s home.
What’s your best time-saving trick?
Eat the frog. Get the most aggravating and/or hard thing out of the way first, and as a result move forward with better efficiency and state of mind throughout the rest of the day. That, along with making sure everything is ready the night before.
What’s your favorite to-do list manager?
Google calendar, OneNote, and the notebook on my nightstand. I use Google for events and project progress, OneNote for monthly goals, and my notebook for quick check-ins at the end of the day.
Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without?
Not a gadget, per say, but I’d have to go with my sketchbook. Its what I turn to when I need to unwind and get the characters in my head down on paper, even if I don’t have time for them anywhere else that day. It’s a holding place for ideas as well as an outlet, somewhere I don’t need to worry about quality.
What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else?
This one stumped me. I’m not sure I’ve figured that out yet. For now, I’ll say coming up with a word someone’s looking for. I can’t count how many times I’ve supplied a word for someone when they’re trying to express something, and they’re always so relived I understand what they’re trying to say.
What are you currently reading?
The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova and Life on Mars by Tracy K. Smith.
What do you listen to while you work?
Instrumentals or my motivation playlist on Spotify. Piano, modern rock, hip hop, alternative. Podcasts if it’s really monotonous work. I’ll catch up on Do Stuff Daily (Hosted by Emony Anderson, fellow Praxian) and various motivational speakers. If I’m writing, it’s atmospheric songs that add to the genre I’m working in at the time. The Skyrim soundtrack is one of my favorites.
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m a social introvert who likes to be around people but needs some time alone afterwards to recharge. I love speaking with people if it’s not small talk, a good meaningful conversation is something I crave more then anything in social settings. I’m better in small groups. The recharge time is equally as important; I need time to breathe afterwards.
What’s your sleep routine like?
I get a good 7-8 hours if I play my cards right. I work best in the evenings, so it can be tempting to stay up late into the night. I’ve been getting better at balancing my days.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Do the thing. If you see that something needs to be done (at work, at home, out in the world) do it. Don’t hee-haw around. Taking action is nine times out of ten going to be the correct choice when put against inaction. Also, to trust in God. Remember that he has a plan.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
My work ethic has been largely shaped by my home education. I aim to approach work with curiosity, excitement, and diligence no matter what category it falls into.
I’m excited to look back on this exercise over the years and see how it evolves. But for now, back to work!