Experimenting with Airtable

This week I was introduced to a slick task organizer called Airtable. It’s a program that helps you organize any topic and keep track of projects.

So far, I have used it to list exciting apprenticeship opprotunites and experimented with creating a Base. “Base” is short for “Database” and is what the grid sheets are called in this program. You can pick a pre-made template or design your own from scratch. I created this Base–organizing something I’m famliar with– for experimenting with the formats and features included in Airtable:

I discovered how to:

· Create new fields
· Color code
· Create new rows
· Sort the items listed alphabetically
· Create another tab in the Base and label it
· Delete unwanted fields

The format is quick to learn and easy to navigate, even for a beginner. I’m excited to learn more about Airtable’s awesome features and will be using this program for many categories.

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