Project Overview in a Glance

Photo by Joseph Young on

Here is a quick breakdown of my project with Elevate Family Chiropractic this month.

What I did

How I did it

How I wrote the pieces

I started with a provided title from my client and spun the piece into an engaging and informational format that encourages people to seek out elevated health.

After the first draft was done, I threw it into Grammarly and revised it while leaving room for my client to add to it if necessary. This process took me around 10-30 mins depending on the length of the post.

After revisions, I would send it to my client for approval. Once approved, I pasted it into the EFC blog dashboard and re-formatted it to the site. I would then attach an appropriate featured image from, and it was good to go.

How I approached designing the graphics

I would pick a template to start with because it’s always quicker then starting from scratch, even if I ended up using none of the original formats.

I would color match them with the HEX/CSS code my client provided and create a design, tweaking it as I decided what the text would be conveying. I created up to 5 graphics at a time, and this process took me between 15mins-1hr, depending on the detail in the images and if my laptop was behaving.

How I kept in contact with my client despite the time difference

1) Learned her preferred type of communication

2) Asked for the best times to touch bases

3) Gathered feedback whenever possible

4) Was flexible with my availability

How I kept my pace during the shift in focus

Once I realized the project needed a change in direction, it renewed my determination and set my course for buckling down and refining previous posts, expounding on other topics, and writing new ones.

By recognizing the shift in focus, I was able to pull the project up by the bootstraps and turn it into an equally valuable experience for all involved.  

Why this was an important project

The skills and experience I gained from this project are invaluable for working with others, keeping a schedule, and creating purposeful content.

Not only did this project open my eyes to how much I love helping people execute their visions and messages, but it also made me realize how fast these situations can change.

I knew both of those factors before this month, but they were only concepts. Now they are a real and tangible thing for me that I can reference and apply to future pursuits. I have a path of experience to draw out of and real events to learn from.

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