How I’ve reframed my project

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

This week on “Heathers making mistakes and learning a lot,” we find her coming to the amazing realization that to do social media marketing, you need content. A lot of it.

I posted the first piece of content for my client yesterday, and as I was formatting it onto her website, I felt as though I’d already failed. “This is so late.” I had thought. “I should have been doing this in week one.”

Though I let myself be excited about posting, there was still a nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me that I was letting everyone down.

Then I looked closer at those feelings and my project, and it struck me: This month was not about social media marketing; it was about content marketing. And those, my friend, are two different things. One of the items that helped me come to this realization was a post by Audrey Boyle about this very conundrum.

Social media marketing is the effective distribution of content as a reliable source of leads.

Content marketing is production and creative works.

You need content to create a social media marketing campaign. I was aware of that but had yet to reframe how I was viewing this project.

What I’m doing is building up a host of content that will be circulated and posted with calculation moving forward.

This project has two distinct parts to it that I hadn’t distinguished before, which stems from my lack of experience. Phase 1: content, planning, revising, and more content. Phase 2: calculated execution and dispersion.

Having a vat of content to pull from is what gives life to a social media marketing campaign.

So, what did I do this week?

  • Productive phone call with my awesome client
  • Feedback on the content I’ve been creating (She loves my tone and energy!)
  • Had to re-write a few posts to avoid overlap
  • Wrote 5 more posts
  • Designed 6 more graphics and color-matched the rest (with correct HEX code for the brand!)
  • Researched Google Analytics and discovered a plugin
  • Almost broke my site while attempting plugin updates in preparation to install and test GA
  • Did more research on SEO and chiropractic practices
  • Posted the first piece of content
  • Gained a deeper understanding of the project

It’s been a great week, every bump included. 

Two graphic samples:

What’s next?

  • More content creation (blogs, Canva graphics, and Facebook polls) 
  • More communication (phone calls, scheduled posts, and game plan)
  • More research (SEO, chiro care, and GA) 

I’m ready to move forward into the end of Phase 1 with purpose and excitement, a teachable mind, and high spirits. 

Phase 2, whether I’m involved directly or not, will be even more exciting.

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