Well, folks, we made it. 2020 is miraculously coming to a close. This year has been full of surprises, pivotal moments, and irreversible events.
That said, we’re just going to focus on personal milestones for the sake of emotional well being. Take a walk with me through some highlights and plights of my 2020 while I try to avoid falling into an existential crisis.
1. Moving across the country
It has been more of an adventure than I ever imagined, for the better and the worse. I’ve met amazing people, experienced incredible moments that I will cherish forever, and discovered things about myself that I might not have otherwise. (Insert all the other generic sentiments that people say before the new year here).
It took uprooting myself to find what it is that truly makes me tick. I’m still figuring it out, but it’s clearer than ever before.
Sometimes I forget that I’m only at the beginning of my twenties — this year must have lasted at least 5, right? — and that I have time to experiment and explore. I hope we all remember to keep looking for the joy in the muck no matter what happens next.
2. Earning a full-time position with my business partner
I learn so much every day at Lessonbee. I’ve gotten to explore diverse channels in the world of business, interact with inspiring people, and discover new paths. There’s still so much to learn — so much growing to do. I’m so grateful to be where I am.
3. Graduating Praxis
It amazes me that I’m an official Praxis alumnus. At the start of the program, it seemed so far away, but it flew by. The people I’ve met and the growth I’ve experienced and continue to experience through the community is something I thank God for every day.
4. Reconnecting with family
Being on the east coast has given me a chance to reconnect with long-distance family members. They’ve been out of reach for most of my life, and I’m so grateful for that opportunity.
5. Learning how to navigate (kind of…)
I can now successfully use Google maps, optimism, and the grid system to avoid reenacting Home Alone Lost in New York every time I go into the city.
6. Co-authoring an ebook for young professionals with Mia Liang (coming 2021)
It has been a blast co-authoring with one of my dear friends and fellow Praxians as we bring our collective hard-earned wisdom together for the greater good of other young professionals looking for answers.
7. Learning HR skills
Something I didn’t see coming this year — along with pretty much everything else that happened after February 29th — was contributing to the recruitment process. This skill is something I know will support me in other areas of my life and career, and it’s helped me shed a sizable portion of my nerves around interviews.
8. Flying for the first time
I will never forget what it felt like when the plane took off—the view, the swooping feeling in my chest, the strange knowledge that you’re going much faster than it feels.
I’ll also never forget the horrible headaches.
9. Getting my drivers license
I’ll never stop being glad that this is over with.
10. Falling in Love
For me, this year was a lot about falling in love with life again. Picking myself up, dusting myself off, and choosing to love this ridiculous life of mine every day.
Being intentional with the present, finding love for my past self even though we don’t vibe anymore, and falling in love with who I’m becoming.
Falling in love with the future, no matter how uncertain.
1. Discovering the wonderful world of roommates
I will never again take for granted the beauty of living with genuinely kind people, a mattress that isn’t slanted, having the freedom of using the kitchen whenever I need to and owning more than one spoon.
2. Missing WA so much sometimes it would physically ache
I knew I would miss Washington, the people I left behind, the air. I knew I would be homesick, and I knew that it would be hard.
That did nothing to lessen the intensity of feeling displaced, detached, and disconnected from everything dear to me.
This time has brought me a new level of appreciation for community and having a home base.
3. Almost getting hit by multiple distracted drivers
“Aye! I’m walkin’ here!” is a New York icon for a reason.
4. Oh, yeah, a pandemic
Does this need elaboration? No, no it does not.
5. Coming to terms with not being able to see my family for a year or more
It will be about a year before I see my mom, brother, and Charlie boy again. I didn’t realize we would be separated for so long, and it threatens to knock me out every time I think about it for too long.
This year taught me so much. Despite the plights, stress, and uncertainties, I can honestly say that I’m coming out a stronger and better version of myself.
2021—I’ve got my eye on you.
Thank you to everyone who has followed along with my updates. I appreciate the support endlessly, and I wish everyone the happiest of new years ahead.
Happy New Year Heather! I love your honesty and your openness to share your feelings with us. You are beautiful inside and out and I am proud of who you are becoming. Stay true to yourself and always keep Good by your side. I love you!
Thank you! Love you too!
what a year 2020 has been for everyone. Sounds like you have had some real positive things come out of 2020 & that is wonderful! Keep up the good work – wishing only good things for you. Take care~ 😀
Thank you!! Same to you!
hey Heather, thanks for keeping up with this I hope you continue your this blog.