A New Chapter

There are many points in life where you come to a crossroads. Which way do you step? Which path do you follow? There’s scarcely a clear answer one way or the other, I’ve found.

In times like these, one must turn to faith. I’m not here to tell you what that faith should be in today; that’s not the point of this post. I’m writing this because I recently came to such a crossroads.

I have chosen to resign from Lessonbee and explore new opportunities. In doing so, I am setting a solid boundary for myself and sending a strong signal.

Some people may view this decision as foolish, and I guess it could be. It depends on what lens you’re viewing it through. But in truth, I’m the one who must live with my choices and decisions. The impact is mine alone when it comes down to the core of it. I won’t pretend I’m not afraid – but I also will not pretend to regret my choice.

I trust God. I trust my instincts. When fear clouds those instincts, I strive to peer through to the heart of the matter. I don’t always succeed, but it’s there that I find the true motivator of the anxieties.

“What if they think I failed?” “What if they think I’m weak?” “What if I’m making the wrong decision?”

It’s those voices that try to keep me places I don’t belong. It’s those dreaded “What if’s?” that threaten to freeze me in my stride.

The truth is, people will think whatever they want to. I can’t control that.

Another truth is that it doesn’t matter. I know why this has to happen. I see the whole picture for why this is the correct move, even though it makes me nauseous to think about, even though it makes me shiver in my boots.

That’s how I know this is the leap I have to take. A venture into the unknown – again.

It’s time for a new chapter.

This step is only the beginning. I have many more pages to fill and many dreams – new and old – to work towards, and I have determined ambitions and excitement for each one of them.

I can’t wait to see what’s next, and if you’ve stuck with me this long, I hope you’ll stick with me on the new adventures ahead, too.

Thank you for reading!

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