Project Brainstorm 2.0

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Two months ago, I wrote a blog post coming up with ideas for a portfolio project. It was pushed to November due to a switch up of the Bootcamp Modules, which turned out for the better.

I’m thinking of what an actual valuable project would look like as the 1st of November creeps closer. By compiling the goals and trajectories of my ideas, this post will serve as a reminder for what I’m aiming for.  

I’m going to signal the following skills and traits in the weeks ahead: 

· Well crafted product pitches

· Efficiency

· Analytical thinking

· Solid work systems

· Follow-through

How do I affirm these traits? 

Here are a few ideas; some borrowed, some recycled, and some new.

1. Marketing book research and dissection of common techniques in the form of a series of blog posts.

2. Product advertisements and copywriting in Google slides. Learn copywriting and ads inside-out by creating my own for existing products, as well as mock products.  

3. Analyze the layouts and calls to action on the websites of 10 related products and do a video walkthrough of my analysis of each one.

4. Pick 3 brands and follow them on every social media channel they are on. Analyze how they are using each channel differently to leverage the unique aspects of those channels and their audiences. Note what works and what doesn’t. Break it down in a blog post.

5. Interview front runners for aspiring writers. Find out how they built their brands and what their end goals are, as well as some stumbling blocks they encountered along the way.

In closing

Each one of these ideas has something good to offer. But which one is the most valuable?

They all require writing skills, analytical thinking, and being efficient with my time. I would be building a solid system for any of them and following through with the entire chosen project without a doubt.

The only question is: which one?

Check back here if you’re interested in the winning idea! 

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