Home is Where the Heart is?

Photo by Cathy Johnson

The saying “Home is where the heart is” is something that people use when speaking of traveling and or moving–when they feel lost or out of place.

I’ve only moved once in my life so far, and I was young so it didn’t impact me the same way it would now. But that saying has always sounded strange to me.

I subscribe to the thinking that “Home” is not necessarily a place at all, but a state of being. There have been times I felt displaced from a home simply because my heart was disturbed or weary.

If you can make yourself your home, you’ll always have your heart. If you can become comfortable outside of your familiar surroundings, you will not have to travel to find a home.

I don’t think we should make our homes in people or places, though those two things are important. The ability to create a home inside of yourself that stays with you is something that will provide peace in the unfamiliar and comfort in the uncomfortable.

This sort of perception is most promptly reached when one trusts God in all circumstances. That is not an easy thing to do on a good day, let alone when you are far away from all you know. But it is worth the effort.

Putting my heart in God’s hands enables me to move forward towards the unknown with excitement and purpose, with a home in my heart and not beyond it.

I’m thinking about this topic today as a way to remember that though I will be traveling far in the coming months, my true home is in Jesus, and He has a home in me.

I will think back to this time when the sickness that comes with change threatens to overcome me, I will remind myself that I am not far away after all.

So in a way, yes. Home is where the heart is; if you choose to make your heart your home, and are content to take it with you.

Thank you for reading, and remember not to leave your heart places it doesn’t belong.

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