Forge Ahead

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

“A day of bad writing is always better than a day of no writing.” – Don Roff

The values of this quote and others like it speak to the critic inside of me. The voice that tells me I’ll never make it. The one who tells me I won’t get where I want with my work.

When those feelings of despair and discouragement bubble to the surface, don’t pay their rent. Evict them and remember that even a page of what you know is bad, is better than a blank one.

As I go through this month of sharing my work every day, I’m reminded of how important it is to move forward. No matter if I want to put myself out there or not, no matter if I have nothing to say.

Even when my inner critic screams that I’m not good enough and never will be, that I’ve gone as far as I can, I’m going to ship my piece, gain what I can from it, and forge ahead.

That’s what I do; I keep going, I get up when I’m down.

This is a call to arms for any other writers reading this: stay the course. Write that scene you’ve been neglecting. Outline the chapter that’s giving you a hard time. Shove aside imposter syndrome. Punch back and remind yourself that this is a part of the game. Post that blog you despise, submit the piece you’re unsure about.

Because a day of bad writing is always, always better than a day of no writing at all. You can’t edit a blank page. You need the fails to reach the wins.

Remember why you’re doing this and fight for it with everything you have.

If you’ve been listening to that bitter inner voice, this is your wake-up call to fight the resistance and buckle down.

You can do it. You are capable of doing this.

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