Copywriting Exercise: Just do it!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Copywriting is a word I wasn’t familiar with until a few months ago, and I’m excited that it’s the theme of this week.

I’m going to analyse product copywriting and translate its formula to other services and brands. Doing this exercise will help me better understand what it is, why it’s important, and how to do it well.

Read on if you’re curious about copywriting!

Here’s an ad for Nike I found on the web. 

Found on Google Images

The ad formula:

  • Introduces action
  • Product in clear display
  • Promises style and comfort
  • Tells you how you’ll feel after purchasing the product

Let’s apply that same formula to a KitchenAid mixer.

Found on Google Images

A dream-team of muscle and innovation

You provide the creation and we provide the power. Together, you’ll be unstoppable. The sleek design fits with any kitchen and the functionality will blow you away. Be bold, be capable, and improve your productivity with KitchenAid.

Team up.

Repeat the process

Habitica is an app that turns productivity into a game. Here is their headline pitch:

Motivate yourself to achieve your goals. It’s time to have fun when you get things done! Join over 3 million Habiticans and improve your life one task at a time.

Here’s the formula:

  • Introduces a desirable outcome
  • Says you can have fun while achieving said desirable outcome
  • States a stat
  • Promises improvement of life

Now let’s apply that to Udemy’s headline:

Go forward into the future with confidence. Learning will be the best part of your day. With access to over 100,000 courses, you’ll never be bored! Take on a new skill and see how your confidence soars. 

In conclusion

This exercise will stretch your research abilities, provide a clearer understanding of copywriting stratagies, and spark your creativity.

If you’re pursuing any type of business, this practice will benefit you. 

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