Beyond the blogging challenge

Photo by Sharon Mccutcheon on Unsplash

My thirty days may be up, but I can’t let the 31st go by unposted!

Doing the 30-day blogging challenge in October leaves an extra day. I wasn’t going to let it bother me, but nay, here I am.

I’m going to share a sneak peek at what the next month looks like, inspired by one of my Praxian cohort—Payton Grace Walter! You can learn more about her here.

Next month, in the spirit of module 4 with Praxis, I will be focusing on signaling my hirable attributes and building new ones.   

What will that look like? 

For me it will be learning new business strategies through reading and experimentation, writing re-caps of everything I’m discovering, and throwing in the odd video or two.

I’ll still be writing and sharing at least once a week, so stick around if you’re interested in more fleshed out ideas and series.

November will be a continuation of the momentum I’ve built this month, and as a result, I will be stretching myself further and in new exciting ways.

My three most immediate tasks

1. Kicking this cold and bouncing back to my regular rhythm.

2. Getting my driver’s license (Yes, I’m late. It’s a long story.)

3. Narrowing down the skillsets I want to focus on in November.

I’m more than thrilled at what’s to come and beyond grateful to anyone who is following along on this path with me.

To close out October, here is a quote that sums up a large part of the coming months, as well as the ones behind me.

“What is creative living? Any life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than fear.”

– Elizabeth Gilbert

Happy Halloween to those who celebrate, happy Thursday to those marching forward through the week.

Happy life to those who dare to follow passions and build dreams into reality.

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