It’s late, you climb into bed after a long day. You pull out your task tracker and start scribbling down the agenda for tomorrow. Item after item keeps coming to mind and a familiar panic wells up inside. “I have so much to get done. I don’t know how I’m going to do this.”
That scenario is a well-known experience for anyone in a busy season of life. An overwhelming variety of tasks is enough to make you lose it sometimes.
In this post, I’m going to break down how I avoid break downs. These 5 tips are jumping-off points for success on a busy schedule.
1. Prioritize
Put the most pressing items at the top. Are you blogging every day? Try getting that done first, to free your mind to focus on other items of the day. Do you have a project with a tight deadline? That should be at the forefront also.
By prioritizing, you make your day easily digestible at a glance. When you pause and aren’t sure what to work on next, look to the list.
2. Time block
Time blocking looks different for everyone. For me, I like to block out at least an hour in the morning for focused writing. What I write in that time is rough and conceptual but necessary for when I go back and revise.
By giving yourself a framework of concentrated work time, whether that’s getting things done around the house or working on a project, you set yourself up for a well-rounded schedule.
Your blocks can be any length and planned across the whole day.
3. E
You need to engage with those you love, or you’ll be consumed by your thoughts and worries. Relating with others provides an outlet for yourself and them.
This can be as simple as texting a friend or as in-depth as tossing ideas around with a family member or colleague. Either way, it will benefit your mental state and offer a re-set button.
4. Actionable steps
When you look at your to-do list, what do you see? If it’s a mish-mash of goals and vague projects, narrow your scope. Take a project and break it down into steps that can be achieved day by day. By honing down on actionable plans, you relieve the stress of a disembodied goal cluttering up your mind. Making progress is key to a clear head.
5. Slow down a second
An important part of any schedule is the wiggle room. The pockets of time that you can breathe and “do-nothing” in; these breaks will provide a sense of ease if you practice them correctly.
I’ve found that even in my most troubled times of stress, my whole mood shifts when I take the time to chill. Pray, draw, drink a glass of water. Find what works for you and run with it.
Reframing your to-do list can look various ways, and it’s worth exploring. Those are the ones that have worked for me this year.
Keep hustling–and remember to take care of yourself!