Week 8: Finding Focus

The other side of my window! I had breakfast outside today. It was sunny and so peaceful.

It’s true what they say about ditching the permission mindset. You can’t wait around for someone to tell you how to create value, or what exactly you should be doing. A portion of that is okay at the beginning of a new position, but at one point, you have to start discerning what the best use of your time is for the best of your role and the company.

Experiment. Observe. Create. Act.

This is all well and dandy to type and reflect on–and reality is even kind enough to mirror that formula at times–but it’s not always an easy potion to brew.

It takes discipline and communication and a willingness to be wrong.

I’m learning how to balance independent execution, teamwork, strategy, and spontaneity. When to call on each, and which ones to pair together.

This was a decent week in the land of projects for me.

At work: I nailed down a project that I believe will aid Lessonbee’s customer onboarding process and bring clarity and confidence to current and future platform users.

In freelance work: I’m on track with my commissioned articles and having fun with being back in the freelance swing of things.

In fiction writing: I completed my CampNaNo word count on time, and am super stoked about how it went. I’ll be continuing my revisions through May.

Life in lockdown tends to get less taxing, more taxing, and excruciating all in the same hour.

I’m not going to wax poetic about the state of the nation and the world. What could I add that has not been realized or stated? I am a twenty-year-old in a small bedroom typing on a computer with sun rays dashing through the stale air and washing over laundry hung on coat hooks. My limbs are free, and my mind is alive—and that is where my focus has to be as of now, or I will collapse.

I’ve taken up the Mermay challenge–drawing a mermaid every day through May–to get back into my sketching/drawing habits. I don’t have all of my supplies with me, but that makes it all the more of a challenge. You can follow my progress on my Pinterest if you’re curious.

Be well, and thank you for reading!

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