Week 6: Planning Monday on Friday

Somewhere in Manhattan.

This time in my life will always be connected to buzzing energy. It’s not anxiety over the future, it’s not panic about not having all the answers: It’s determination.

It was a good week. I turned 20, my apprenticeship is stretching me the way I hoped it would, and I passed the half-way point for my CampNaNo word count.

Work update

I’ve found that writing out a game plan for Monday on Friday night helps immensely with task retention. By the time the weekend is over, who knows what will slip through the cracks?

It’s a great feeling to find a plan first thing on Monday instead of a blank page and thinking, “What was I supposed to do again?” For me, I like to leave a message for myself in Slack. It’s a private chat box that is only visible to me. But it could be anything from a Google Doc to a physical notepad.

A few things I did this week:

  • Started filming tutorial videos
  • Refined presentation decks
  • Polished blog posts
  • Researched aspects of Lessonbee I hadn’t fully grasped yet
  • Customer-facing work

Personal update

I was blessed with a flood of kind words on my birthday and had myself a good day. I got to video chat with my brother and my mom after work.

I’ve reignited my reading habits as an escape. Right now, I’m exploring the Bolivian Amazon with Into the Jungle, by Erica Ferencik, and trekking through the forests of India while writing in my CampNaNo project. 

Every time I get that trapped feeling in my chest, I’m getting better and quicker at re-focusing. Simple reminders that tell me it’s going to be okay no matter the homesickness that presses on me in the mornings, or the monotone colors of routine that threaten to pull me under.

Most of my favorite reminders come from music, which I’ve clung to in a new way since moving to New York. It’s incredible how quickly a mood can change just by hearing a particular song, a specific beat.

Music has the power of transportation as much as any book or movie if you can find the right songs.

What do you do to pull yourself out of a funk? I’d love to know.

Thank you for reading!

2 thoughts on “Week 6: Planning Monday on Friday”

  1. I enjoy puzzles and challenging Christian books. One I just started is With All Your Heart by A. Craig Troxel (a previous pastor of ours from PA). As a family we drove to Rhode Island on Friday and went to Newport and thoroughly enjoyed the drive and beautiful landscape of the coast as well as the mansions there. We had ice cream and bought coffee from the only place we could find, a bakery! It was a gorgeous day and we were blessed to spend it together even though most of it was in the car.

    1. Heather Drabant

      That sounds so nice! I’m glad you guys got a chance to get out and do a little exploring, even from a car.

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