Another week in the books! New York, you sly imp. You continue to keep your true essence from me. I promise I’ll find it when we’re both ourselves again.
Work update
I’m making good headway with my apprenticeship and putting together an email campaign for our customers and looking forward to seeing how it shapes up.
A few highlights from the week are:
- Getting my company blog posts approved for publishing
- Receiving guidance and advice from two beyond awesome Praxis advisors
- Figuring out how to import Canva presentation slides into Google Slides
- Being invited to work on the next Lessonbee lesson with my team member
Every day I learn something new, and I’m glad I have something like this to focus on right now.
I also picked up some more freelance writing work that I’m excited to get started on.
Personal update
I’m as over this social distance thing as much as the next guy, not going to lie and say it hasn’t been affecting my mental health.
What I will say is I’m trying my best to keep my head above the water and stay afloat.
A few things I learned this past week outside of work:
- How to apply for a savings account through Bank of America
- How to put an order through on Peapod (grocery delivery service) and how to be disappointed when only 7 items from my order showed up, none of which were the most needed (welcome to the pandemic of 2020. At least they refunded me?)
- How to track Visa gift card balances (freelance writing payment from a bit ago)
- Tree nuts are gifts from heaven
This was my last week as a teenager. That fact hasn’t fully set in yet and probably won’t until this time next year. That seems to be how these things go.
I was blessed with a beautiful birthday bouquet by a dear and generous family—The very first bouquet I’ve ever gotten! Exactly the spot of brightness this little room needed.
I hope everyone is hanging in there.
Thank you for reading, and Happy Easter!