Week 4: You know what they say

The view from the front porch. Riveting, I know.

This week has been a rollercoaster. The world is spiraling into chaos, I ordered my first Chipotle burrito in the middle of a breakdown (10/10 burrito. Would recommend,) and I’ve have developed an acute distaste for the muffled voices of newscasters through walls droning in circles about the same information all day.

Work update

My apprenticeship is picking up speed. I’m finding my stride within my position, and my focus is starting to take shape.

To list a few standouts, this week I:

  • Worked on new onboarding material for our customers
  • Got feedback from a teacher who is graciously giving me her time
  • Experimented with our social media calendar
  • Put together a survey

Setting baselines has been a big help. Having a short-term goal to shoot for helped motivate me and feel more accomplished at the end of the day.

My morning trigger ended up being a combination of writing in my CampNaNoWriMo project and clearing off my desk before getting started.

I can’t say I’ve noticed much of a difference yet. The test will be at the end of the month.  

Personal update

I had some lows this week, not going to lie. I’ve never been one to seek out big groups. I’ll only do small talk if I have to, and I didn’t feel that upset as a kid if I didn’t get invited to a party. 

I’m comfortable with being alone–it’s familiar, and I mean that in the least angsty way possible.

But this is different. This is a type of isolation that feels new. My introverted-ness is being globally encouraged for once, and yet all I want is to go out and explore. 

You know what they say: People always want what they can’t have.

This Thursday, I ventured out to the convenience store down the street from where I’m renting. A small place with old flyers and signs posted in the windows, it’s shelves stocked with instant oatmeal and twinkies. I felt like I had come from another planet, the planet of four walls and a desk.

I hadn’t left the house in almost three weeks, not long in the grand scheme of things, but it felt like a year. Standing in that little shop and being in a new surrounding wouldn’t have been a big deal a few months ago, but I found it strange to take in. Who would have thought a 5-minute errand would feel so alien?

All this to say that I’m doing my best to look beyond the lockdown and keep moving forward. 

Stay safe out there, and thank you for reading.

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