Week 3: Reconciled

A snap from a train window on the way to Cape Cod in early March.

I can feel myself settling into more of a routine, and thanks to some advice from weekly Praxis calls, I have some tools to test that will hopefully help aid my sanity.

Here are two of the tips I’ll be testing this coming week:

Setting baselines

To ward off the strange balance of remote work, I’ll be setting baselines every day to meet (or exceed) to help find that sense of accomplishment as I log out every evening.

Incorporating a morning trigger

I’ve been working on my morning routine, and a Praxian proposed that having a trigger you do every morning before work is helpful. (besides checking your email)

I’m hoping it will help me ditch the “Roll out of bed, straight to the computer, be there for 8+ hours” feeling.

Still figuring out what the trigger will be, so stay tuned for that if you’re curious.

Work update

This week was full of content creation and learning. I mean, technically, that could be every single week of my life for the past 3ish years, but that’s not important right now. The wheels are turning on all the possibilities within my role at Lessonbee.

I’m gaining confidence with HubSpot’s broader features and am getting even more comfortable troubleshooting issues that come up, either on my own or through their support chat.

Each day I’m learning a better, quicker way to do tasks and streamline my day.

Now, if only I could shake the looming sense of doom that follows me around in my little upstairs room. Pandemics, amiright?

Personal update

I’m able to push off grocery delivery for at least another week thanks to a very generous and much too kind family whom I’m privileged to know, along with a few timely care packages from mom and grandma. I’m so blessed!

Google maps have become a strange side hobby for me. I’ve been taking paths and roads in my neighborhood via street-view, so I don’t lose touch with my surroundings. There are two parks nearby that I’m itching to explore.

The weather is finally clearing up, and I’m hoping we’re past the “false spring” phase of the season and finally getting into the real one.

I’m struck with a strange sense of limbo as I get used to this new normal. Both lockdown wise and new environment wise. My body sometimes forgets where I am and will look around for a dog who isn’t there, or reach for something that didn’t make the trip over. Muscle memory is a fascinating pain I hadn’t seen coming.

I’m reconciled to this reality and curious about what this next week will look like. (even though I know I’ll be looking at the same four walls.) 

I’m grateful for my position in all of this. I take to heart, and I hope you do too, in the fact that you can’t quarantine imagination, or hope, or stories.

You can’t quarantine a dream.

Thank you for reading!  

4 thoughts on “Week 3: Reconciled”

  1. Heather,
    We never had the opportunity to meet but I’ve followed your progress via your beautiful mom.
    Took the minute to read your blog, what growth and maturity you are showing.
    Know you are being prayed for by people you’ve never met, but still care for you.
    Keep on trekking one day, one moment at a time.
    May God richly bless you through this journey.

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