Week 21: Exactly 1 Year

Snoqualmie Falls, to represent the persistent rush of time (also it’s just really pretty)

Exactly 1 year ago, I officially started my Praxis journey.

A year ago today, I was a 19-year-old cashier at Safeway, lived in Washington State, and had no idea where the path I had chosen would take me. 

Now, I’m a 20-year-old Instructional Design apprentice, I live in New York, and I have direction and capabilities that would have once made me pass out with anxiety. It’s amazing what determination, dedication, and accountability can do in a year.

In August 2019, I went from dreading the act of sharing my work publicly and with my cohort, to a genuine love of giving and receiving feedback on every deliverable I submitted, and learned how to successfully implement revisions. I conquered my disdain for filming myself and started honing in on my personal brand.    

In September, I learned about the many facets of Marketing, Operations, Sales, and Customer Success. I interviewed experts and vanquished my fear of outreach. I built a second brain and found the value of documentation when applied to all areas of creation.

In October, I cemented my love of writing even more than I thought possible by blogging every day for a full month. I shipped pieces to third-party publishers and earned a spot on the Praxis blog, Story Embers, and began to realize how important it is to learn out loud even when you think no one is listening.

In November, I took on a freelance marketing project for Elevate Family Chiropractic. I created blog posts, social media content, and learned how to pivot with the dynamics of professional relationships around time zone differences.

In December, while continuing to work with EFC and Safeway, I entered the job hunt, crafted pitches, value props, and battled imposter syndrome.

In January, I interviewed with 3 different companies while searching for my apprenticeship.

In February 2020, I started freelance writing for NexGenT, accepted a position in Product Support with Lessonbee Inc, and turned my two-week notice in at Safeway. I passed my driver’s test the day before my flight, moved to New York, and everything since then has been just as inexplicably timed.

You know the rest of the story if you’ve been reading along as I complete my apprenticeship.

It has been a wild year, to say the least.

Work update

As of this week, I’m happy to announce that I will be staying on with Lessonbee past my contract (I officially graduate Praxis on September 10th, six months from my first day with Lessonbee) and will be transitioning into an Instructional Design position!

New York will be my residence for at least 7 more months, and I could not be more excited for what’s to come.

I’ve been interviewing candidates for open positions in the company, and now I can add training a new Product Support Specialist to the list in the next few months.

I am so thrilled to be focusing more on creating learning experiences and using my story development skills.

Personal update

Breaking news! Not only did I finally get a plan together with my career, but I also made plans with some fellow Praxian’s from my cohort. I’ll be going into the city to wander Central Park with people I’ve known for a year but never met in person before.

It’s been a week for answers and follow-through.

The only thing that punctures the swell of joy that has encompassed me is the fact that I may not see my family for an entire year, at least. Even worse, I won’t see my dog, who has no idea where I am or if I’m ever coming back.

All good things come with strings. Change is bittersweet to the letter.

Moving forward can often feel like leaving things behind. I try to look back only long enough to learn.

The next 7 months hold mystery, growth, and the undeniable hand of God in every area of my life, as has always been the case.

He knew I would be here, now, in 2020 while the world fights and burns, 3,000 miles from my loved ones—He knew all along, now all I have to do is rise to the challenge.  

Thank you for joining me as I navigate this adventure. I’m truly touched by those who care to check in on my ridiculous life.

Thank you.

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