Does anyone else feel like 2020 is the synopsis of a YA dystopian novel? I’m waiting for a snarky teenage girl to rise and take control of the government while simultaneously choosing between two equally attractive male love interests and save us all with the power of protagonist luck.
I’m above YA protag age now, and I am love interest-less, so don’t look at me. I’m just out here trying to live.
Work update
This week I hosted a potential partner/customer informational call, and it went much smoother than I expected. Something like that would have made me a nervous wreck a few months ago. It feels good to gain confidence in that area!
I also got to experiment with Photoshop some more, research another branch of curriculum, and work on a requested proposal letter.
Personal update
My co-worker is out of town, and it’s been strange but nice to be at the office alone. The change of scenery makes up for the frigid air-conditioning (which I’m more than happy to deal with because, as you’ve probably picked up on if you’ve been reading along, I hate being hot). I have discovered a love for apple cinnamon tea. It warms everything right up!
I decided to try out Freshly this month to see what it’s like, and so far, I am thrilled with that decision. Fresh-cooked meals that are portioned, nutritious, less processed, and delicious? Don’t mind if I do. Not to mention, they are surprisingly affordable.
I’ll still use the stove sometimes–I am paying to live here after all–but Freshly is an agreeable alternative to dealing with a passive-aggressive roommate every time I turn on a burner.
It rained a lot this week. Yesterday it was raining so hard there was water running down the streets like a river, the drops bouncing off the pavement, thunder in the distance, wind twisting the trees and pelting the windows. Lemme tell ya if I thought crossing an intersection was a pain before, it doubles when there’s water everywhere, your glasses are fogged up from your mask and the rain, and everyone is driving like it’s the second coming of the Great Flood.
This whole mask situation might be the thing that finally pushes me into the contact lens party. It’s been a good run, glasses, but we need to alter our relationship moving forward.
Also! I had a breakthrough in the plot of my WIP yesterday. The best cure for a story block has been to write; the answers come when you least expect it. I get so excited about how it’s all coming together.
Here’s to another week down!
Thank you for reading.