Close to the beginning… roughly 90-days later.
We’ve all been there. You’re going through the week, doing your work, trying to stay on top of everything, feeling like it’s manageable—and then it hits: The Curve Ball.
Out of nowhere, a new version of reality is plopped into your lap, and you’re forced to file it away with the rest of your responsibilities. A crisp new document in a metaphorical manila folder, blaring with the need for action.
You hold the folder, read it, press it back into the pile, take it out again, fold it over and over until it’s supple and limp, soft in your fingers, tired and worn. You tuck it into your pocket and carry it around, waiting for something divine to tell you what to do and say.
But no one can tell you what to do with it, this creased and worried folder. It’s on you, and you alone. What do you truly feel about this new development?
Answers, answers, I’m sure they’ll be known eventually. But not yet.
Work update
The first version of the customer onboarding course I’m building was reviewed this week, and I have some more direction for the improvements that need to be made. I was also sent a webcam to record higher quality face-fronting content. It’s exciting to see it shape up!
This week also marks my 90-day performance review. 90 days! It’s hard to believe it’s been that long already.
I’ve learned a lot over these 90 days, and I know there’s still much to be learned. I can already see a difference in how I handle myself professionally. I’m excited to progress further and have a more trackable impact within Lessonbee.
Something I’ve been doing recently is squaring away time every day to work on a project that supports the future of the company instead of the present. It doesn’t have to be big—just useful. Something that, when needed, will lift a weight or two, or at least provide a starting point.
Phase 2 of the lockdown release has started in the Westchester territory (where I’m at), so I may be back in office as soon as this coming Tuesday. I’m trying to prepare myself for the switch in routine.
Back to trains, tickets, coins, cars, and crosswalks—shudder.
Personal update
My co-worker Alex and I went to a super awesome farmers market in Bronxville today, and it was awesome. The vendors and staff were kind and helped to make the masks and registration process seem less strange.
I scored some quality bacon, apples, sesame dressing, and a delicious mix of greens.
Today was also my first time in a grocery store since March. (Thanks again to Alex. Lifesaver!) It wasn’t nearly as stressful as I anticipated.
So, safe to say, my little fridge is looking better, and my pantry has considerably improved.
I’ve been so blessed this week. The generosity of the people in my life truly blows me away.
God bless, and thank you for reading!