Week 12: On the 12th week of quarantine my true love gave to me…

All dressed up for a hot date with customer engagement material.

12 mental breakdowns 

11 prayers prayed 

10 brand new projects 

9 bowls of soup 

and a partridge in a pear tree.

Couldn’t resist. Who sang along? Anyone? Just me?

Work update

The customer onboarding material grind is still in full force. I have 8-9 more videos to film, and then the review process begins, and I’ll get to refine the experience.

This week we took further steps in our partnership with PowerSchool and Schoology. I helped with the press release, the sales aids playbook, and a one-pager leave behind that will work as another aid for their sales team.

We’re also working on updating the tutorial videos on the website to better reflect Lessonbee and how it has been evolving.

Beyond that, there’s always something new coming down the pipeline to tackle and figure out. Be that new marketing campaigns, customer tickets, or internal updates—we stay busy.

Personal update

One of the many times I was staring at the ceiling this week, trying not to feel the stifling heat taking over my life, and pondering the ways one might escape from their body, I come to a few firm conclusions:

1) 90% humidity is too high

2) Clean laundry is a blessing

3) Water shouldn’t have a taste

The first is self-explanatory. Has there been a time 80-90% humidity was a good experience?

The second is yet another kindness extended to me this past Memorial Day by a continuously giving family who lent me the use of their laundry units. Three cheers for clean clothes!

The third is an ongoing stance. On the one hand, yes, I’m grateful to have water that is safe to drink. On the other, I’m of a firm mind that water should not have a taste, make your throat feel like you’ve caught a cold, or have a scent reminiscent of a badly maintained YMCA.

But I digress.

Along with those trivial conclusions, I was also thinking about the way people treat each other.

When I see the hate that we throw around, blind by private narratives, prejudice, anger—or what have you—it reminds me of God’s simple instruction: We are meant to love one another, and in doing so, live in a way that is pleasing to Him. 

We tend to put our own beliefs of what we think will please God ahead of what is true. The truth is often a much harder pill to swallow and doesn’t always align with our wants. That’s a part of life whether you believe in God or not.

I won’t try and encapsulate the shadows that continue to darken the nation—there’s plenty of that going around.

What I will say is we could all do with more respect and love for the lives we lead and the lives of others, for this human race we’re all enrolled in.

Stay safe out there, and thank you for reading.

2 thoughts on “Week 12: On the 12th week of quarantine my true love gave to me…”

  1. I am so overwhelmingly proud of you!!!!!! I know grown old people who have much less insight. I really don’t think water should have a taste as well. I miss you sweet lady keep up the fight and looking forward to another update.

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