Week 11: Snapshot

A frosty sunrise in my old neighborhood, from 2013! (yikes)

I’ve realized that by writing these weekly updates, I’m creating a time capsule. There will be a point where I’ll dig out these files and struggle to believe that this time in my life is over.

But before the sentimentalism, let’s cover work. This was an exciting week!

Work update

We welcomed a new team member this week! He will be working on the tech/data/platform experience side of things, and I’m happy to have him on the team. He’s from northern India and has graciously been providing insight on what it’s like to live there, to grow up there. I’ve been writing a story set in India, and there’s no substitute, research-wise, for hearing a first count depiction.

Plans are moving fast in the customer onboarding realm. I have no real gift for video content, but I get better with every project that calls for it.

My set up (cardboard box tripod + waterbottle mic stand) is not ideal, but it does the job. And you know what they say: “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

I’m looking forward to seeing it all come together.

Personal update

I started keeping a list of every memory, item, and song that produces an ache, a tear. 

Linking the emotion to a line of graphite has been helpful. It gives me something to do besides push through it.

This snapshot in time, this capsule—I know it will make the list eventually, too.

Despite the loud roommates, the creaky bed frame–all the microwaved Progresso soup and oatmeal–I know I will feel that same pang in my heart.

For the quiet minutes in the house before anyone else is awake, the room full of soft light. For the rain on the window and the warmth of the heater, a book waiting for me after work. Walks to the bakery, kind words from shop clerks letting me know the next shipment of soup will be in next week.

What is a memory you go back to again and again, for better or worse?

Thank you for reading, and I hope everyone has a safe Memorial Day weekend!

2 thoughts on “Week 11: Snapshot”

  1. Hi Heather, I often remember my kindergarten year with the “nuclear” family and the fun I had with my parents and siblings.

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