Week 1: Onboarding, trains, and epidemics, oh my!

Waiting for the train after work.

Week 1 at Lessonbee has been a great start. I’m glad to be a part of a team and am excited about what we’re working on.

This week, I:

  • Familiarized myself with our core lessons and how the software works
  • Learned how to import contacts into HubSpot from an Excel spreadsheet
  • Set up my company accounts across multiple platforms
  • Read through the national health education standards and New York health education standards
  • Brainstormed on possible company blog posts and lessons
  • Started working on a big project for the very near future
  • Got to have a celebratory welcome lunch with my team!
  • Almost got hit by a bus
  • Almost got caught between the closing train doors
  • Walked confidently in the wrong direction on my first day, but was still on time
  • Got my keys to the office
  • No longer need Google maps to get to and from work

In non-work-related matters, I:

  • Managed to survive on eggs, peanut butter honey sandwiches, and blueberry knock-off newton bars for the better part of a week (Shopping trip today! Woohoo!)
  • Have realized how much I miss having a lamp
  • Am getting used to the sounds in my new neighborhood

Times are interesting with the world in the state that it is over the coronavirus, and I wouldn’t recommend moving across the country during an epidemic with any great fondness.


I also still would have done this even if I knew this is how it would be. There’s always going to be something that could stop you from doing what you need to do, there will always be those reasons, big or small.

I choose to not live in fear. I choose to trust in God—why wouldn’t I? He’s helped get me this far.

There is a lot more to be done, and a lot more to learn.

That was my week 1. Stay safe out there, everyone!

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